A Space Story for The Ages

Galactic Adventures NFT
13 min readJan 19, 2022


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 001: 07/03/3001

Only about 48 hours after Mission G101 launched, something lucky happened. The Spaceship landed smoothly on a tiny planet called Cestea.

There were some Gems sightings reported a couple years ago…

As Travelers 15 and 7 walked around the high valleys of Cestea, a shiny light coming from the forest got their attention.

It was almost like that Gem was calling on them, wanting to be found… The first Life Gem has been saved.


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 002: 07/04/3001

Travels got rough after the meteor shower last night, but we got through it.

Ship is solid.

Man, the Recruits are arriving. It´s exciting. We need all the help we can get.

Now that we got the first Life gem in our hands, things will get easier. 21 went to talk to her, she will be joining us. Glad he is as convincing as he is fun.


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 003: 07/05/3001

It is about time! The first Star Master will be joining us soon.

Gronoe PG7 is a mean place. Its history is filled with conflict, wars and devastation. And she was born right in the middle of it all. Children and babies, dead. Her parents… Somehow she survived. And climbed her way into queenship.

She will be key to our mission.


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 004: 07/06/3001

If everything goes well, the first Recruit will be joining us today.

She is the first type Royal I´ve seen in years. Amazing!

As for the travels, so far so good. We are now heading to Andromeda Galaxy, also known as M31. We WILL find more gems soon, don´t ever doubt that. Be positive.

Oh, and I have to talk about the scenery. It´s so beautiful over here. Hopefully I can register some moments for you.


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 005: 07/07/3001

The first Recruit is already with us. She is insane with the sword skills!

Cestea grew some ferocious warriors. We are finally making it to Andromeda Galaxy. We are lucky we made it through the wormhole. Riskier but faster. We are all already into a great risk, aren´t we?

Ok, now let´s meet our first Star Master. Her ship is arriving.


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 005 Part 2: 07/08/3001

There was no way we wouldn´t find what we are looking for.

We are getting help quickly than we expected.

A Dark Matter Gem has to be here somewhere. Last time someone saw one was at Cryptic 18C, only 75 light years away from here.

But our source might not be so trustworthy. Cryptic people are not known for their kindness and honesty.

Ok, I gotta go. I just heard a weird noise coming from…


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 006: 07/09/3001

The ship was attacked. Some people don´t want us to accomplish our mission. We are glad 23 woke up with his senses sharp that morning.

He is one of the best pilots I´ve met. A little grumpy dude, but has a good heart. They got us before we could even see them coming. 5 ships, aligned strategically. No chance, though. We took them down.

We have the best people over here. No major damages, everyone safe.


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 007: 07/09/3001

Wow! It was true. We made it to Heturn about 2 hours ago. A snowy and cold moon on Cryptic 18C´s orbit. The leads got us to a small region on the north side of the moon. We followed the right side of the snowy mountain´s pathway… It took lots of walking, but we found it. An underground entrance.

Looked like it was constructed. We stumbled upon a beautiful room. A cozy place in the middle of the freezing mountains. And then we saw them: a few Dark Matter Gems smiling at us all…


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 008: 07/11/3001

And we are off again. We´ve spent a night relaxing in our cozy room in the middle of the mountains. Some warm fire and hot coffee are never a bad thing. But you know we have a mission to accomplish.

We have to find some more Life Gems. They are scarce but I´m sure there are many others. We have got another lead, though.

The Great Vahiri King have called for us. I guess he wants to talk a little. Or maybe just wants to see some different faces, preferably not green ones. I´m glad I´m keeping these notes. They might be worth something someday. We are making history here. We are also managing to get some cool pictures. Might make this an illustrated book later…


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 009: 07/13/3001

We are at this moment headed to Vahiri to see the King. I bet he can´t wait to see us. Because, you know… This group of weirdos is awesome.

What would he want, though? We are hoping for some leads and answers. We gotta make this trip count. Vahiri isn´t that close. I´m lucky I have some friends to play some games with and pass the time. 35 just joined us today, she is just a delight.


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 010: 07/14/3001

We made it! It has been a sweet trip. I actually didn´t see the time go by. Vahiri is the most amazing town. You don´t see many teleporting booths, not in these galaxies. People here must live well…

Abundance of water, nice weather. Well, there he is looking at me from this giant projection. He must be a celebrity. Going to the Palace now, talk soon.


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 011: 07/15/3001

“I have what you need” — He said.

As he held a very ancient looking map. The location of many Life Gems were there. But, how can we trust its accuracy? It was a very old map… And as the Great King stood up from his throne, he grabbed a very small wooden box.

The moment he opened it, we saw a beautiful Life Gem, very small, delicate and shiny. Finally, he said — “I´m joining you. I´m getting older and I´m tired of this shit. I need a vacation.”


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 012: 07/17/3001

Now that we got some more leads, people have been pretty excited over here. The Great King have talked about a few Cosmic Gems, something that none of us have ever seen…

They existed around 200 years ago… And I feel they are still here… We just need to find them. We are taking some new routes now, we are leaving this galaxy. Tighten your seatbelts, my friends. Things will get harder from now.


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 013: 07/19/3001

What exactly is happening here? We were being chased, I swear. A ship was spotted in our radar a few hours ago. It showed, then disappeared, several times. It´s like they are playing with us.

Before it was a full-on attack. Now, they are trying to be sneaky. Well, they will need to try harder. We got a fearless army out here!


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 014: 07/21/3001

It´s getting pretty magical out here, my friend. Turns out The Great King´s map brought us to a planet called Musara, the extraordinary world. A place where ancient magic was kept safe.

Thousands and thousands of libraries were built across this beautiful planet. Mages and witches (the ones that are still alive) live here and study the wonders and workings of the universe. Kuk, the Wise Lady invited us to a dinner. We can´t refuse, and I´m starving. I have a good feeling about this.


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 015: 07/21/3001

On our way to Musara we were able to gather a few plants and seeds. Its closest planet, Cholinia, is quite a place, man.

All different types of flora, and who knows, maybe here in Musara we can find some too. These beautiful babies might develop some special properties that could help us in our mission. I´m out to eat, talk soon.


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 016: 07/22/3001

As we finished our dinner she stood up and starting speaking. Not really speaking, more like singing. The most beautiful song. It had this melancholic yet a hopeful vibe to it.

I saw 37´s eyes starting to water. And myself, well… I felt something too. A few hooded Musaranians entered the dinner room. It was almost like they practiced this ritual before. One of them unwrapped a red cloth on top of the table, revealing a little Life Gem, and she stopped singing. And said — “Let me join you before it´s too late. They are coming.”


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 017: 07/24/3001

A gloomy vibe filled the minds of the Travelers in the last couple of days. But it gave me some time to think and reflect about everything that has been happening. 12 has been working on the most incredible greenhouse.

It is tricky, because every single seedling and seed we gathered needs different types of caring. Sun types might need more sunlight than others… Fire types sometimes can be a little aggressive also. I almost lost my finger to this one… 12 was also able to brew some fertilizers out of a tiny bit of Jupiter´s purple dust that 28 had with him (thank god!). Might be enough for a couple bottles, that way we can keep our garden healthy and alive.


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 018: 07/26/3001

It is about time we find at least one Cosmic Gem, man. We are now headed to a sweet little moon called Azillon. Well, not so sweet, I guess. It is not the most habitable place in the universe.

The moon is filled with unknown creatures and dark corners. Little is known about it, nobody really likes to go there. But we got a good lead, and a strong army. We will be fine! And you know, I´ve been working out…

This morning, 44 asked me if I wanted to see something. He is not much of a talker, but he seemed excited about it.

From under his bed he pulled a hand-sized pot. It was so beautiful. A little flame, was just floating inside the glass pot. It wasn´t hot at all, but it was charming.

“it is impossible to put it out.” — He said.

“It has a good amount of energy in itself too. Only this one can probably fuel the entire ship for about 4 days.” — He continued.

Some good old memories passed into my mind, as I stared at the little flame.


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 019: 07/27/3001

We are approaching Azillon. My heart is pumping.

Got to get all the suits, not everyone in this ship is able to breath there.

We should be landing near a small crater called Atoka, near the south side of the moon. The Great King´s map shows an X around 4 km from the crater. I just hope we don´t encounter any obstacle. (…)


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 020: 07/28/3001

The strong wind was trying to bring my body to the floor but I wouldn´t let it. I remember how unusually heavy my suit felt…

The snow was thick and dirty. We walked for some time, in silence. We knew that something was there, waiting for us. From above, 14 made a gesture, telling us he saw it in the distance.

We walked, heart pumping like a loud boombox until we saw the entrance to what looked like an ice cave. We got in. It felt colder than ever, but the wind wasn´t a problem anymore.

The silence was broken. We all smiled. 41 tapped my shoulder and started crying out of joy . There were clearly many Cosmic Gems, shining on the icy spikes and walls all around the cave.

As the King and the Musara Witch led us deeper into the cave, a loud, screaming sound made our ears hurt.

A large wormhole appeared and my vision became blurry. As I snapped back into reality, I saw them: these 3 beings had no eyes. They were more like souls, 3d projections of death.

One of them came at me with such agility that I fell and hit my head. The Star Master queen started forcing 2 of them back into the wormhole, with the most insane force field. 33 and 15 came and helped me, shooting the third one right between the eyes.

As I was falling into unconsciousness, I saw the wormhole slowly disappearing into nothing…


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 021: 07/31/3001

I woke up with some good news.

41 and 39 were sitting right next to my bed waiting for me to wake up. Had I dreamed about all that?

The wormhole, the cave, the gems… — “That thing actually knocked you down pretty bad.” — 39 said. — “We had to take care of your head injury.” — 41 added. But we all got out of there alive.

That´s what mattered. And they told me 50 is coming.

She will meet us in the main lobby in about 30 minutes. She is coming on her own ship.

She is from Hypnus. Hypnus is a Star, a place of peace and joy, full of beautiful mountains and hot springs. They enjoy a warm summer weather all year long. It has been ruled by her father, Aticus. for about 130 years now. Hypnusians live pretty long lives. Which makes me question, why would a princess from Hypnus would want to join this fucked up mission?

Well, just let her come.


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 021: 08/05/3001

Hey, there. Long time no talk.

We have been busy trying to figure out who were those things… It is not something you see everyday. To be able to create wormholes like that… It requires great amounts of energy. Well, we have a few more places to be. Our travels may take a few days now until we reach our new destination. We are headed farther than I´ve ever been from home. Kinda scary. I´m out.

The Cyborgs are throwing a party tonight and I´m not gonna miss that.


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 022: 08/18/3001

Deep space has a calming vibe that no other place has. It might be the absolute silence.

Or the infinite blackness, I really don´t know. This journey has changed me so much already. Made many friends. A few enemies. I feel anxious, sometimes afraid of the unknown future. But if I search well enough I feel hope. Like we are really getting somewhere safer.

We are now on our way to Oxis, a planet with 6 moons. It is definitely not the usual place people go to on vacation. And not really easy to get in also. We have no Oxianians on our fleet. They are only interested in their own self protection. And their King is not the kinda of guy I would play cards with. Grumpy old dude. Well, let´s see if we have what it takes to find some gems over there.


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 023: 08/19/3001

As our ship approached the landing site, we saw them. I could say around 200 warriors were waiting to “greet” us. What a joke! I´m not that dangerous. We are going to have a talk with King Otarus tomorrow. I heard his beard is so long it touches the floor. I also heard he has 42 sons and 8 daughters. What a horny old fella!

Well, I´m now sharing a room with 61 and he is changing his oil. He looks mean, but he is actually quite a nice guy. Very polite. I´m out to sleep, peace out.


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 024: 08/20/3001

We were escorted to the big castle by their army. These warriors looked like trained eagles. I heard they are sword fighters with military experience that they develop since their childhood.

Oxianian families who have a military inclination normally choose to put their kids through training so they become the planet´s defenders once they grow up. They have a blind love for their land. Sick shit. The Vahiri King was talking with this guy who seemed to be the Colonel. I tried to hear it, and I´m pretty sure the King was telling the man about the incident in Azillon…


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 025: 08/25/3001

As I entered the castle, my mind got numb. It felt like I was there before, in another life. The walls were decorated with many beautiful paintings on the left side of the main entrance corridor, and on the right side, many different statues were standing neatly side by side.

I could not recognize any of the faces. Some looked like warriors, others like kings and queens and a few urban like creatures, important and honorable Oxianians that had their names written in history.

We all entered in the great room. Otarus was sitting right in the center in what looked like a sturdy looking stone. It was levitating smoothly just slightly above the ground. His feet were not touching the floor, but his beard was. Around him, in a perfect circle, stood his sons and daughters. All entrances were blocked by his men. I felt cold in my spine.


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 026: 09/27/3001

I froze. I could only hear… These sounds, I heard them before, I´m sure…

Otarus was still there, levitating, but his eyes were not the same… Our group was standing near the entrance, stunned and afraid.

Something was happening before he could even speak to us.

Otarus raised his arms, drawing an invisible circle in front of him. His eyes black, like the night. He was not himself. It felt like someone was controlling him. His sons and daughters were in a dreamlike state, shaking and staring blankly into nothingness. And then I saw.

One of the sons had red hair, and a focused expression on his face. He was determined to conquer Otarus´s mind. How can someone betray his own father?! Before any of us could react, this man stood up and charged at him. He wore a funny green hat.

Like a ninja, he quickly hit the man in the stomach, and then grabbed him by the neck, punching his nose and completely knocking him out. The warrior searched his robes, revealing two tiny and beautiful gems. And said: — Help them out! And take this man to a cell

The whole family was unconscious. Otarus still sitting in his stone, this time with his head low, like he was sleeping…


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 027: 10/23/3001

We have been orbiting around Oxis for a while now. We know that some strange things are hunting us.

The incident on Azilllon and then this… That guy took power over Otarus mind and body like it was nothing.

His son was just determined to kill his father. Or was he being controlled too?

The only thing I could think about was the men with no eyes… Sometimes I still have nightmares about them.

We need a mentalist. 75 is coming from V382 Carinae, the hypergiant yellow star. Can´t wait to meet him.

70 is cooking something fresh. It smells like venusian alien meat, but whatever, I´m not a picky eater.


SPACE DIARY ENTRY 028: 10/25/3001

77 found something. The man who took over Otarus mind had a little symbol, marked on his arm. But what does that mean… Is he part of a bigger picture?

We are gathered today at the ship to crack our brains and find out the origin of this marking. It may certainly lead us to whoever is behind this.

Gladly, the emperor is joining us soon. I mean, he has nowhere to go. I heard his home Star Tharia is getting close to a supernovae. That would be a bloodbath. Everyone is evacuating, poor people… The universe and nature is a cruel place.



Galactic Adventures NFT

101 space bound travelers from different planets and civilizations have joined Mission G101 in the search of the rarest gems in the entire universe. Join us!